Creating a Marketing Strategy With Zero Doubt

Creating a Marketing Strategy With Zero Doubt

The art of listening, with so much noise in today’s World, is a challenge for many.  This is one of the main reasons why marketing strategies fail.

Social media can be a wonderful thing, but with the noise, you may be questioning and doubting your company’s overall marketing strategy.  There is always someone doing it better (or so it appears).  I have also experienced,  consultants coming forward to tell you that you’re company is doing it wrong to sell their own services to you.  There is always someone who has a new idea for you.  There are a plethora of conferences where one is telling you to do it one way and another is saying that it’s all wrong.    Planting doubt and that’s just wrong. It can be chaos if you listen to everyone and it results in a solid marketing strategy never taking flight.

It’s very tough not to listen.  But once you realize that you’re company is playing its own game.  There is no time to compare, compete or be indecisive.  The time to strike is now, with YOUR Marketing Strategy.

How to create a killer marketing strategy

Decide your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) – What is different about your company?   Accurately describe your product or service and why is it compelling.  BELIEVE IT!

Example: We manufacture and sell custom-made windows across Eastern Ontario with a lifetime warranty with no fine print.   We are a one-stop solutions provider in high-end window products and installation.

Do a SWOT analysis on your business – Evaluating the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats is a great way to get a little more intimate with marketing your business.

Example: Our business has been in business for 25 years.  After installing over 1,5000 projects, our consumer complaints have been limited and rectified immediately (Strength).  Our reputation on Homestars is stellar with over 200 reviews (Strength).  Our website was created in 2002 with no updates (weakness).  We rank 32 on Google when searching for high quality windows in Kingston (weakness).  We could leverage our reach by creating a mobile-friendly website, and participating in Google Business so we are found on Google Organic Search & Google Maps (Opportunities).  We could also run a 30-day Google Adword campaign to target the audience we desire to take advantage of our Spring Special (Opportunities).   We currently don’t have staff members with this digital knowledge (threat), so we will outsource and provide training for future digital goals (opportunities).

Who is Your Target Market – Who is your target market?  Age, Gender, Income Level?   Do some research. Where are do they look for your product?  Publications, Search, Social Media?

Example: Your price point may cater to couples with a family income of over $150,000 a year in the Belleville to Kingston area.  Previous sales forecasts prove that target market is between the ages of 32-50

Understand the Impact and Benefits of Your Product or Service – Think like your customer.  What impact will your product or service have?  Will it be a positive one?

Example: Improved weather-sealing in the home. No drafts.  Warmer home. Decrease in heating bills. Peace of mind warranty.  Increased market value to the home. Transferable warranty if house is sold.

Define Where You Will Be Positioning Your Services. Define Marketing Methods – Understand your demographic and then properly position yourself where they are.  There is no point in putting an ad in Architectural Digest if you cater to middle income neighbourhoods in Kitchener, Ontario.  The cost/benefit isn’t there!

Example: (Facebook targeted advertising, Youtube to showcase level of quality during manufacture process, Twitter based Q&A and customer service platform, targeted direct mail campaign, construction signs, seasonal email marketing.  Hire a publicist every year to promote our growth in the industry and any new innovations at year end. They will approach trade and consumer media.)

Create a Budget – Converse with a marketing consultant about your goals and tasks that requires outsourcing, Hire marketing consultant to create a six-month strategy with projected costs.  Look inside for internal resources who can perform certain tasks.  Create your budget and stick to it.

Example: Cindy from customer service is well versed with Twitter, she will be in charge of all Twitter Q&A and customer service.  We will outsource ABC Consulting to create videos, direct mail brochure, construction signs, create an editorial calendar and seasonal email marketing.  Bob in Marketing will manage all projects and approve creative.  Bob will hit send on all email marketing campaigns to ensure compliance with CASL guidelines.

Create Your Company’s KPI’s – Key Performance Indicators is what proves that your strategy is on track. 

Example: We want to have a 10% gain in Facebook and Twitter followers by July 2018. With our direct mail and construction sign campaign we want to visualize an increase sales by 1M.   

Always set realistic KPI’s for your business.  Don’t succumb to buying followers to look good or fudging numbers to meet your sales quota.  

Have an Idea Book – In your lunch room, have an idea book so everyone on your team has an opinion.   A marketing strategy is more like a process.  It will change over time.  The ideas internally will be more realistic to your business goals than anyone outside looking in to grab a sale.  It is important to note that all ideas are appreciated, but it must align with your company’s overall mission, vision and KPI’s to be considered.

Things to note: It’s always easier for an outside Marketing Consultant to deliver your budget and marketing strategy in a simplified easy to follow package.  But it’s your team, those who believe in your business the most, who can truly move mountains.  

Most of all, marketing efforts should be fun! So bring your team together and contact Trina Stewart Consulting to see how we can help!

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